Our way of life is worth protecting. Biosecurity starts with you.

Biosecurity is the management of risks posed to Australia’s economy, environment and communities by pests, diseases and weeds entering, establishing, and spreading in Australia.

Our nation’s biosecurity system is a multi-layered system with prevention, preparedness, management and response activities not only at the border and within our country but also overseas. While Australia has robust and rigorous biosecurity measures in place to mitigate these biosecurity risks, exotic pests, diseases and harmful weeds can and do occasionally enter the country.

National Biosecurity Week serves as an important reminder of the critical role biosecurity plays in protecting our environment, agricultural industries, food supply, communities and overall economy.

This annual event highlights the collaborative efforts of government, industry, peak bodies and the community in protecting the Australian way of life. By raising awareness and advocating for the adoption of good biosecurity practices, National Biosecurity Week strives to strengthen our biosecurity system for the benefit of all Australians.


No matter the scale or size of your event, whether a large gathering or a small morning tea, you can help boost biosecurity awareness and contribute to securing Australia’s future.

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    By submitting this form, I confirm that I have the authority to provide the information and consent to have this event listed on the Farm Biosecurity website. I agree to the terms and conditions and understand that the information provided will be used to create a public listing for this course. I also acknowledge that Farm Biosecurity reserves the right to review, amend, approve the event submission before it is published.

    Australia’s National Biosecurity Training Hub launched


    Plant Health Australia (PHA), the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Agriculture Victoria, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, and Animal Health Australia, have partnered to create the National Biosecurity Training Hub – Australia’s first one-stop online shop for biosecurity training.

    The focus on preserving the Australian way of life continues to drive the demand for training resources to support biosecurity preparedness and response activities and ensure that the necessary skills and knowledge are in place to respond to and manage biosecurity incidents.

    The National Biosecurity Training Hub (the Hub) offers a central location with a database of biosecurity training resources to help reduce the duplication of effort and costs associated with developing and delivering biosecurity training.

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    Producers play key role in reporting suspect pests and diseases


    Most of the world’s most damaging plant pests and diseases do not exist in Australia. Maintaining freedom from these exotic pests and diseases are vital to protect our environment, food production, agriculture industries, and Australian way of life.

    It is estimated that the broadacre and horticultural crop industries could lose $29.3 billion if the top 40 exotic plant pests become established in Australia.

    Biosecurity allows us to preserve existing trade opportunities and provide evidence to support access to international markets.

    Producers play a key role in protecting Australian plant and livestock industries from pests and diseases by implementing sound biosecurity measures on-farm.

    By implementing the recommended measures in day-to-day operations, producers will improve biosecurity, while minimising production losses and unnecessary costs.

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    Loans available to farmers to invest in biosecurity measures


    Primary producers who want to improve their biosecurity measures can apply for a low-interest Sustainability Loan through QRIDA.

    These loans are designed to help producers and farmers invest in viable infrastructure to support the future of their businesses, the environment and industry.

    This includes biosecurity measures such as the purchase, installation and upgrade of washdown facilities, purchase of fencing to keep out pest animals, and CCTV/surveillance installation to ultimately improve on-farm biosecurity risk management.

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    Meet Queensland’s Biosecurity Mates


    Biosecurity champions supported under the Queensland Biosecurity Mates Ambassador Program will help raise awareness of biosecurity and strengthen Queensland’s collective biosecurity system.

    The 6 ambassadors are from across Queensland and are emerging industry leaders and/or experts across a range of sectors to help advocate and engage the community in biosecurity awareness, prevention and preparedness.

    Earlier this year, six ambassadors have been welcomed from across Queensland to help advocate for a stronger biosecurity system. Each ambassador is a leader, or an emerging leader, in their respective field and their experience and expertise is both diverse and inspiring. Ambassadors will advocate for the importance of biosecurity in their field and help raise the profile of biosecurity across the broader community.

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