The following are some of the high priority exotic pests of apples and pears, as identified in the development of the Industry Biosecurity Plan for the Apple and Pear Industry.
Any of these pests would have serious consequences should they enter and become established in Australia. Additional information is included in the fact sheets. Implementing biosecurity measures to control endemic pests will go a long way towards preventing exotic pests from entering and becoming established on your farm.
For a complete list of exotic pest threats for apples and pears, contact Apple and Pear Australia for a copy of the industry biosecurity plan.
Dysaphis plantaginea. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark, UC Statewide IPM Program
Rosy apple aphid
Apple trees are the preferred hosts
Aphids range from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm in length and from dark green to rosy purple and black in colour as they develop
Leaf symptoms include curling, discolouration and appearance of sooty mould on the surface
Affected fruit clusters are severely distorted and growth is stunted
Severe infestations can damage up to 50% of fruit in an orchard