The following are some key exotic pests of avocados, as identified through the development of the Industry Biosecurity Plan for the Avocado Industry. Additional information is included in the fact sheets.
The climate of Australian avocado production regions would allow each of these pests to survive, spread and establish, should they be introduced. Any of these pests would have serious consequences should they enter and become established in Australia. Implementing biosecurity measures to control endemic pests will go a long way towards preventing exotic pests from entering and becoming established on your farm.
For a complete list of exotic pests of avocados, contact Avocados Australia for a copy of the industry biosecurity plan.
Sphaceloma perseae. Photo by Cesar Calderon, USDA APHIS PPQ,
Avocado scab
Fungal disease causing fruit drop and marking of mature fruit
Discrete spots appear on the leaves along the midrib, which may merge into star-like patterns
As disease progresses leaves become distorted and stunted
Symptoms on fruit appear as corky, raised brown to purplish brown spots which enlarge to form large rough areas
Long distance dispersal likely through infested propagation material