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A biosecurity manual contains all the measures that are used to reduce the risks of diseases entering or spreading on a property. Animal Health Australia, in collaboration with industry bodies, researchers and government agencies, works to develop, review and maintain farm biosecurity manuals for all member industries.
The manual sets out biosecurity practices for all grazing livestock enterprises. It is a reference document designed for use by all extensive grazing industries that sets an agreed level of biosecurity for their members. It is suitable for all livestock grazing enterprises, whether producing meat, milk or fibre. Specifically, it covers cattle (dairy and beef), sheep (wool and meat), farmed and rangeland goats (fibre, milk and meat) and camelids (alpaca and llama).
The guide is designed to assist livestock enterprises prepare a risk management plan for emergency animal disease (EAD) outbreaks. This manual can help you by:
This is a planning tool to assist you to develop an EAD survival plan. The plan outlines what to do if your property were infected with, or classified as ‘at-risk’ of, an EAD.
The planning process in this document focusses on four key steps:
This document outlines a plan that takes just 30 minutes to prepare. It could improve the resilience of your business if an EAD occurs. You may even discover some useful ideas for improving the every-day operation of your business. Just follow the four steps provided.
Identifies what water sources are safe to be used by the Australian poultry industry, which is an important issue because contaminated water can cause disease outbreaks.
Identifies areas of risk common to most broiler farms and appropriate measures to minimise these risks. It establishes a minimum set of biosecurity guidelines applicable to all meat chicken producers from hatcheries to the point of delivery at the processor.
Provides a minimum set of biosecurity standards, applicable to all poultry producers (including ratites). While it specifically deals with commercial layer chicken and table egg production, the principles of this manual are applicable to other poultry species used for egg production and should be followed.
Aims to prevent infectious diseases from coming into duck production facilities or spreading from an infected area to an uninfected area. It identifies areas of risk common to all duck enterprises along with appropriate measures to minimise these risks.
The purpose of the manual is to establish a minimum set of biosecurity guidelines, applicable to all ratite producers. While the manual was produced with commercial producers in mind, the principles of good biosecurity apply to any ratite operation.
This easy to read brochure includes case studies to assist producers to develop practical, easy to implement workable practices to protect their investments. Five key management areas identified in the brochure are: farm outputs, farm inputs, people, vehicles & equipment, production practices and ferals, pests & weeds.
This manual has been produced as a tool that owners, managers, staff and contractors at beef cattle feedlots can use to translate biosecurity practices into operating procedures and work instructions.
This manual has been produced as a tool to assist feed mills in translating biosecurity practices into operating procedures and work instructions. Feed manufacturing and delivery is a fundamental part of the production chain and having good biosecurity practices in this area will help to reduce the risk of disease spread.
Biosecurity in the feed mill refers to the measures put in place to protect livestock against exposure to endemic and emergency diseases via the manufacture and delivery of feed. It includes preventing the spread of diseases, pests and weeds to or from other primary industries (e.g. crops, horticulture).
These guidelines were developed based on information provided by industry and in conjunction with the Stock Feed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia and the FeedSafe® Feed Mill Hygiene Guidelines.
The National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Pork Production was updated in October 2021 to align with changes to the Australian Pork Industry Quality Assurance Program (APIQ✓®). The manual outlines the minimum biosecurity requirements that producers should implement on-farm. It is designed as a tool that all pig producers, particularly those with larger scale enterprises who employ significant numbers of staff and/or contractors, can use to translate biosecurity requirements into operating procedures and work instructions. It should be read as a first point of call for all pork producers and used in conjunction with our other biosecurity toolkit resources.
This is a self-evaluation guide for managers of all horse venues including racecourses, showgrounds, riding and pony club venues, agistment properties and horse events. It aims to assist venue owners and managers to establish a set of biosecurity measures applicable to their venue, which can easily be implemented over time to ensure horses are protected from disease and pests.
This is for use by individual zoos, including fauna parks, sanctuaries, aquariums and marine parks, holding native and/or exotic species, as a tool to help them to gauge their own biosecurity requirements and to assist them to develop a biosecurity plan suitable for their particular circumstances. The manual outlines both basic guidelines and higher level guidelines for all zoos.
Plant Health Australia, in collaboration with industry bodies, researchers and government agencies, have developed a range of farm biosecurity manuals for a variety of crops shown below. Visit the Crops section for further information about pests, product management and best production practices for these crops.
For growers of blueberries, ginger, lychees, macadamias, olives, papaya, passionfruit, pineapples, pistachios, rice, rubus crops, strawberries, truffles and walnuts, farm biosecurity measures are included in industry biosecurity plans. Please contact your peak industry body to obtain specific on-farm biosecurity practices recommended for these crops. Visit Biosecurity essentials for general information that all producers can use to implement biosecurity measures on -farm.
Plant Health Australia is preparing biosecurity manuals or industry plans for other sectors. They will be added to this site as they become available.
Biosecurity Manual for Citrus Producers
Biosecurity Manual for the Papaya Industry
Cherry Growers’ Biosecurity Manual
Orchard Biosecurity Manual for the Almond Industry
Orchard Biosecurity Manual for the Apple and Pear Industry
Orchard Biosecurity Manual for the Avocado Industry
Biosecurity Induction Manual for Bundaberg Horticultural Farms
Farm Biosecurity Manual for the Northern Adelaide Plains Vegetable Growers