The following are some key high priority exotic pest threats for the Australian nursery production industry. Any of these pests would have serious consequences should they enter and become established in Australia. Additional information on each of these pest threats is included in the fact sheets in the Biosecurity Manual for the Nursery and Garden Industry.
For a complete list of exotic pest threats for the nursery production industry, refer to or the Industry Biosecurity Plan for the Nursery Industry, available from Nursery and Garden Industry Australia.
Information about other pests of the nursery and garden industry is available from the production nursery industry page on the Plant Health Australia website.
Photo by JA Rocabado, PaDIL
Guava (Eucalyptus) rust (Puccinia psidii)
Over 100 known host plant species, mainly from the Myrtaceae family
Brown to grey lesions usually surrounded by yellow spores
Lesions develop on actively growing leaves, shoots and fruits
Severe infections may kill shoot tips or cause leaf distortion
Spread with infected plant material or through wind dispersal